Posted by : Unknown Monday, April 12, 2010

Hiya Everyone!

Sorry wasn't able to update the blog yesterday during the readathon. Well, as I was typing yesterday's blog, my mum and I had a row and so I kept to myself most of the time in my room, trying to complete the 24 hours reading The Hunger Games. I had a headache from sleeping and trying to read too!

So, final stats:

- Read 65 pages of the Hunger Games
- Read 100+ pages of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.

And that's about it. Kinda slow, huh?

There was a massive bookshelf organization project that I also did yesterday which took up most of my time, and I cheated. I watched some TV too. I can't help it! =)

How was your readathon, guys? Hope your readathon was much more productive than mine! Until the October run!

One Response so far.

  1. Kathleen says:

    I had fun cheering during the readathon although it was much harder than I thought to keep up with everyone's posts. Next year I think I will just focus on reading! Sounds like you had a good readathon!

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