Posted by : Unknown Saturday, April 26, 2014

In my "winter" outfit
Last November 2013, I had a chance to go to South Carolina for a weekend trip. It was a nice, pleasant time to go - and of course, it would tick off one State in my goal of visiting all 50 states in the United States.

In this travel blog, I feature Magnolia Plantation - this used to be a plantation in the old times (yes, where the slaves were, farming for their masters) but has now been opened to the public who want to tour the massive grounds.
Lovely autumn scenery while hiking - look at those leaves!

There's three parts to this plantation: the swamp, the grounds, and the house. There's other areas too but those are the ones I went to so far. We got one free entrance ticket by donating a canned item to the plantation, but the swamp we had to pay an extra for, which was fine.

Even though it was freezing that day, I enjoyed the long walks, the nice colours of autumn, and the natural scenery of the place. For someone who came from a place that does not have four seasons, it is a welcome change indeed.

The Magnolia plantation house
One of the things I loved was the animal watching - there were all sorts of birds around the area. Ture, I'm not really a bird watching enthusiast but since they're there, might as well, right? I've never seen birds like that back home before: pelicans, ospreys, egrets, vultures, even. Back home, the most common birds are little ones called the mayas. In here, the most common ones I see on an almost daily basis are ducks. Also pigeons and some little birds that I don't know the name of.

Seeing a swamp is amazing too - I have never really seen swamps before. Apparently the swamp in the plantation has alligators living there. Unfortunately for me, no gator sightings this time.

And that pretty much concludes my Magnolia Plantation trip. To be honest, I've forgotten how to get to Magnolia Plantation. I think we just googled the directions from the hotel in Charleston and it's roughly around 30 minutes and we're there. Parking is free within the compound.  I've uploaded more photos below that you can peruse while I am out trying to create a new blog post.

Have a nice weekend you guys :)

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