Posted by : Ruby Escalona Sunday, September 8, 2013

Write what you are thinking about. So i will.

I will never regret what happened. Never.
If you do by any chance get to read this, I know that you are happy now. And i want you to know that in a strange way, I am happy too.
I am happy for myself, and all the strange and wonderful opportunities that I know are coming my way.

And I also want you to know I don't hate you. I just want some time to myself, and I dont want to be friends with you. Not just yet.

Maybe in some bizarre situation we might see each other again. Maybe, maybe not.

I never regret anything. All the things I told you were true.

Thank you for the memories. It was fun, while it lasted.

I have to thank a friend who is so special to me who makes me think that the world is still big and I have soo many things yet to discover.
Thats just it.

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